Thursday 30 September 2021

Shoe Appreciation

I have a pair of real, full leather shoes, leather sole and heal, everything.  I came across Tring Shoe Shop's video.  I have a lot more appreciation of them.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Power Bank

Once upon time, we carry a second battery for our mobile devices.  For the last 15 years, people have been moving to power banks.  All the batteries on small devices give ratings in milliAmp Hours, mAh.

We had a free power bank, its rating was not properly marked, I assume it is about 1000mAh @ 5V, which is 1Ah @ 5V = 5Wh.

I bought a new one from Amazon, it was advertised as 10400mAh, and turned out to be 1400mAh.  This is the definition of mis-advertisement!  False advertisement even.

I thought I would utilise my old solar panel, so I rigged it up with a 17Ah battery as the reservoir, which is 17000mAh at 12V, which is 204Wh!  I am going to charge everything with it!

Tuesday 28 September 2021

IAM Advance Rider

I finally decided to pursue the IAM advance rider qualification, let see if I can get it over the Winter. 

Monday 27 September 2021

Wheel Nuts

I never had a car with alloy wheel, so I didn't fully understand the need or anatomy of a locking wheel nut: Weird pattern / non-standard nut.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Bloody Yob II

Those fuckers had another go at my garage door.  Thanks the neighbours calling the cops, and chased them away.  

More struts, more reinforcement.  Tossers.

Saturday 25 September 2021

First and Last Croque Monsieur

I had my first and last croque monsieur today.  Ham and cheese are great, but I hate mustard.  Bye monsieur.

Friday 24 September 2021

La Palma Volcano

I remember watching a science programme on cable TV and it said if La Palma erupts, in a certain manner, the East coast United States will be destroyed.  So when I read La Palma volcano erupted, we are all waiting to see if it will fulfil the scientific prediction.  Not yet.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Poorly Foot

Two full weeks later, my foot was still not good enough to swim.  Walking stability is very different from kicking!  Maybe my dad was right, 40 years old take 40 days for anything to heal!

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Short Man or Woman

I used to play "Is that a short man or woman?" game around biker cafes, and most of the time are "short men".  Today I was mistaken as a short man myself.  Maybe I need some pink trimmings.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Flavoured Tofu

I have heard vegetarian raved about Linda Mccartney Sausages.  I finally got a chance to taste it.  It is textured soy protein, aka tofu, just as they described.  But seriously, nothing like sausages!

It reminds me of the "vegetarian chicken". 

Monday 20 September 2021

Emergency Car Hammer

Every so often, we see a car incident dramatized on television, and every so often, I want to buy a emergency car hammer.

Sunday 19 September 2021

Carrot Transplanting

Carrot really dislikes being transplanted.  They survived a first transplant when they were seedlings, but they did not survive this one.  Basic, carrot, plant and forget...  Don't touch them for a minimum of 3 months.

Saturday 18 September 2021

Arnold Bennett Lite

I thought I would try making Omlette Arnold Bennett at home. I could not be bothered to make white sauce, and my pan is not cast iron, hence not oven proof, I used blow torch instead.

It was quite hard to get the flame level right, for the first time, otherwise it turned out okay, I can see there is a point for white sauce being there, but it was okay without it.

Friday 17 September 2021

Frozen Banoffee

I blitzed a frozen banana with some chocolate milk, "awesome", I was told.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Extortionate Maintenance

"How Much!!!!????"  is what I screamed internally when Ford told me their hourly rate.  £120?!

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Big Tom

We have tried to use fertilizer, Big Tom.  But instead of big tomatoes, we are getting many tomato, and I am not sure they are any bigger than otherwise.  Very misleading.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Roseberry Topping

We knew Roseberry Topping was going to be hard work, over 200 meters gain, so we chose an overcast day, but the day turned out to be NOT overcast, I was red like a lobster by the time I came down, both from the Sun and the work out!


Monday 13 September 2021


People go to Goathland for the steam train and Heathbeat, I went for the water falls. Both were very treacherous...

Mallyan Spout 

Thomason Foss


Sunday 12 September 2021

Free Raspberries

Sand Hutton has diversify over the years, pigs, raspberries, dog agility, but due to labour shortage, they had to forego their raspberries.  We went and pick some up.  Thanks Sand Hutton!

Saturday 11 September 2021


I have seen Nic ate a Parmo before, it resemables a Chicken Parmasan in the States, except Parmo looks eviler.

So I never bother to order a parmo, but I made a mental note about Parmo having "come from" Middlesborough.

So the opportunity had come, we were "near" Teesside, so we found a pub that has good review and does it for lunch.  The chicken was real chicken, there was a layer of white sauce adding to the "richness", the cheddar is mild dyed cheddar, nothing to write home about.  It was evil, but not worth the calories.

Friday 10 September 2021

Chocolate Milkshake

We had another milkshake.  Way too sweet!  Maybe I should not bother. 

Thursday 9 September 2021

Good Leg Up

I slipped and rolled my ankle badly.   I just need to keep muttering,  "Good leg up,  bad leg down, " until it recovers. 

Wednesday 8 September 2021


We only just realised,  Middlesborough is Yorkshire?!   South of Tees,  Yorkshire. 

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Over Vanilla

Followed on a recent tasting of the M&S milkshake,  I got some Shaken Udder,  way too Vanillay.  

Then I have a coffee milkshake from a shop,  also too Vanillay.   More is not better!   Use sparingly! 

Monday 6 September 2021

Omlette Arnold Bennett

We sent to the Truffled Hog for lunch,  had omlette Arnold Bennett for the first time.   It was nice.   I only found out it was a thing afterwards,  even BBC has a recipe for.  Another thing to use down my smoked haddock. 

Sunday 5 September 2021

Kapaty Bakery

I saw Kapaty has a dedicated bakery in the market,  I finally had a chance to try it.

Everyone seems to want their donut or sweet bread. 

I got a vanilla slice and a profiterole cake,  they are are as evil as they sound.

The multigrain sourdough is quite nice.  

Next time I will go earlier to avoid the queue. 

Saturday 4 September 2021

Pig Iron

We only just learnt why pig iron is called pig iron,  the shape reassembles a sow with piglets...

Friday 3 September 2021

Sleep Score

I borrowed a fitbit to check my sleep.  I got a high 70s score,  C+,  not very good. 

Thursday 2 September 2021

Sad Chick

One of the chicks is a bit sad...  It has a couple roots,  why is it still sad?   Poor chick. 

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Fresh Car Valet - Avoid

"Signature Valet",  over a hundred quid,  still dirty.
