Sunday 31 October 2021


The rain has come and it is time to waterproof gear for the wet season.  I always see these products in outdoor shop but I never buy them.  As Sarah cleared out her store room, there is bottles and bottles of this stuff.  They are 'vintage'!  We must use them up!  Let hope they still work!

Saturday 30 October 2021

Livesey Brothers Mushrooms

My sister told me how she get spent compost from mushroom farms and get the final harvest of the mushrooms.  I have looked up mushroom farms, but I couldn't see any near me. 

The I read about Livesey Brothers from one of Waitrose's publication.  It is not the furthest diversion from Leicester, so I went to have a look.

They do sell composts, but I am not sure these one will regrow.  I did get a mixed pack and a king oyster pack.  Very fresh, very clean, excellent.  We will definitely shop there again. 

Friday 29 October 2021

Differently Curated History

When I watch Oriental history in English, I am always complaining they are too simplified.

Then when one of the video mentioned a homosexual emperor in Han and his "coyote ugly" with his male favourite, I finally appreciate there is benefit to the different curation.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Woodland Creation - Conkers

I was adament I should try to pick all the big 4.  I thought I would just check out a small park in Wetherby.  As soon as I walked under the few big trees, I recognised the leaves as conkers, bingo!  So the leave litter was making it very hard, so I systematically sweep the leaves with my feet and try to spot the conkers.  There were not many conkers left, I assume kids might have picked some conkers earlier in the Autumn, do they still?  I managed to pick a dozen or two, mission complete!

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Brompton Chain Replacement II

So everything looks fine on the bike in the resting position.  After Sarah told me to do a test ride, I did, and failed.  The chain was clearly too short!  I counted the teeth again, it is definitely 50 front teeth and 13 back teeth, 98L according to the website. 

I got the chain cutter back and added another 2, back to 100L.   I still don't understand why it wasn't 98L!

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Woodland Creation - Beech II

I went to pick more beech nuts, now it is under the leave litter make them so much harder to pick.  Also I started processing them, taking them out of their shells, the haul looks a lot less impressive.

Monday 25 October 2021

GSR Wheel Removal

I got the right socket for the wheel nut.  The wheel removal is straight forward.  This bike's caliper is not upside down, which  makes dropping the wheel easier.  Let's hope wheel install as easy.

Sunday 24 October 2021

Woodland Creation - Meanwood

I finally went to a ranger-led Woodland Creation event.  Because it is ranger-led, Chris showed us different trees rather then the big four.

Yew - seed is in the red berry, which is sticky and poisonous to human.

Lime - which I later found out it is also known as Linden or Lilia.

American Oak - bigger leaves with pointier leaves, acorns come every few years, and acorns sometime are not fully formed protruding nut.

Hanging birch - aka downy birch, the kind of seed pod that disburse their tiny transluscent seeds all over your car.

Holly - apparently not all holly bush has berries.

Hornbeam - It looks a little like Beech's leaves but double serrated edges, seed is attached to a wing.

Saturday 23 October 2021

Chain Replacement After Thought - Chainring

On a freewheel, chainrain and gears only subject to force on direction.  After I replaced the chain, seeing the worn chainring, I had a light bulb moment, "why can't I just flip it?".

I could just flip it, I would have to take a crank off, which is a lot of hassle and needs a couple specialist tools.  Nevermind!

Friday 22 October 2021

Chain Replacement After Thought - Quick Links

Most chain these days come with quick links.  I never used quick link before, but Matt seems to be happy with them.  I see quick link as a quick repair kit on the road, not necessary for a permanent fix, unless you regularly take the chain off to clean down gears.

On the other hand, relinking a chain takes skills and not brute force.  Some light weight outer plate is susceptible to crushing.

Thursday 21 October 2021

Brompton Chain Replacement

Using the chain wear indicator, it says the chain is over 0.75 wear, therefore due replacement.  Leeds Bike Mill Amanda told me these Brompton uses narrow chain.  Amanda also reminded me to check the number of links from manual, not from previous replacement.

I have changed chains before, and I never had to worry about any of these, just a standard chain and repeat the last setup. 

Armed with this information, I did some research. Because Brompton is like a fixed gear bike, chain is not expected to move laterally, so narrow chain 3/32" will be better suited for application.  Brompton customer service was not particular helpful in helping me to determine the number of links required, but their website does have a guide, it also confirmed 3/32" chain.  So I counted up the teeth and confirmed it needed 98 links.

When I read up what 0.75 means, 0.75 means 0.75%, and that is enough to cause extra movement between chain and sprocket to cause undue wear!

I double checked on the Brompton, the old chain was definitely sliding sideway, unnecessarily.  I got the chain and the tool ready, lo and behold, the old chain had 100 links!  Maybe the reduced tension caused accelerated deterioration?  

When the chain is off, I can see there is visible wear on the chainring, so let's hope it holds.  I gave the rear sprocket a good clean.  

I cut the new chain to size, put it side by side with the old chain, unperceivable.  So the combination of the roller wear and the chain stretch making 0.75% difference to the original chain.  I took the rollers to check, also unperceivable, even on caliper.

I fitted the new chain and it seems okay.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Painting Prep

With the last bit of the paint, it is just enough to paint another wall, and I decided it to be in the living room.  I gave it a wipe and brush down already, but you always find holes in close up.  So I filled in all the holes, and rubbed them down.  Surely it is painting time now!

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Lay Tea Leicester

We tried a new bubble tea shop, Lay Tea.  The tea is quite substandard and on the expensive side, but the straw is compostable.  Was that what I paid for?

Monday 18 October 2021

Leeds Bike Mill Bike Maintenance

Leeds Bike Mill delivered basic bike maintenance on behalf of Cycle North.  So I brought Miles to the training and took the opportunity to learn more about a Brompton.  

I gave Miles a good clean, and found a few bald spots.  There are specialist tools I don't have at home, and it was handy to check Miles chain with a proper chain guide.  I was going to get a chain from them, but she told me I should use a narrow chain.

Good workshop.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Whittard Shortbread

We had some Whittard shortbread, and they tasted extremely evil.  I read their ingredients list, they are the classic 3 ingredients shortbread, sugar, flour, butter.  I have since adopted the 4 ingredients shortbread with corn flour.  Now I think the 3 ingredients shortbread is evil!

Saturday 16 October 2021

Equality Opportunity Gun Violence

Sometimes you come across a news story that buck the stereotype, you are happy that equal opportunity exists, albeit not a nice way.

Friday 15 October 2021

Brompton Technical Support

I want to double check something with Brompton.  I have used their webchat, except it was a video and audio webchat, I was probably better off just telephone them.

I have asked them a technical question, and their response was showing me their website and directed me to their authorized dealer.  I wonder what kind of questions are they can actually answer.

Thursday 14 October 2021


I got a black Toblerone for nostalgia, then I am reminded why I don't have them more often, not really worth the calories.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Ripley Ice-Cream II

This time I went for the soft whipped at Ripley's, it is alright.  I still don't know why it is "world famous".

It was sunny, but damn cold! It would have been cheaper and wiser to get a hot coffee...

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Figure of 8

I was told to demonstrate doing figure of 8.  I haven't done that since... ever.  My little bike did not disappoint, I am quite happy I managed it.

Monday 11 October 2021

Sourced Market

We thought about getting something from Sourced Market last time we were in Skelton Lake.  I got a little coffee from them, and I was buzzing the rest of the day, that is some rocket fuel!

Sunday 10 October 2021

Costa Coffee

I had not had a Costa for a long time.  And supposedly Costa has highest caffeine content out of the High Street.  I was really not impressed.  Every child walked pass were shouting "hot chocolate!"  Maybe I will just get their hot chocolate next time.

Saturday 9 October 2021

Woodland Creation - Chestnut

I was at the park to pick more nuts,  and there were no acorn under the oaks!   So I braved myself to check out the chestnuts,  so spiky!   I should have worn gloves!   After looking at them,  I am definitely NOT eating these "sweet chestnuts".

Friday 8 October 2021

Water Fluoridation

Water fluoridation was on the news here,  "what?! " I thought,  I grew up with fluoridated water in Hong Kong,  I cannot believe the water isn't fluoridated.   Let's blame all teeth problems on that! 

Thursday 7 October 2021

Desensitised Paddy

Paddy is not the best tablet, but it is working.  As the S4 is getting older, and apps are phasing the S4 out, Paddy is getting more and more apps.  I only just noticed one of the edges' touch sensitivity is not right, I have to keep turning to operate the button.  The worst thing is that some apps are not design to rotate, stupid!  I do try my best to keep my WEEE equipment in operation!

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Dosh Flowchart

I finally did my flowchart using Visio.  It is a better flowchart tool than others.  Let's see how I keep up updated.

Tuesday 5 October 2021

Woodland Creation - Beech

I came across the seed collection campaign, but I cannot make the first few sessions.  I went to look at a Beech tree, and it wasn't as hard as it look.  I hope to learn more from the ranger.

Monday 4 October 2021

Pret Frozen Chocolate Croissant

We have croissants every so often, and I usually get them on marked down, of course.  I have contemplated getting some frozen croissants, but I cannot really justify that frozen ones are just as expensive than the "fresh" ones.  The mixed pastries also did not appeal to me.

I saw these Pret frozen croissants a few months ago, I think I would like them more than pain au chocolate.  I tried to get them a few times, but they were not available.  We finally got them.  They are smaller than expected, they are as expensive as "fresh".  They turned out quite nicely.  It is good as a novelty, but I don't think we need to have croissant ready in freezer.

Sunday 3 October 2021


I had opportunity to go to Applecross on my motorbike the last two trips, I passed.  Watching Kate do it, confirmed my instinct was right.  What is the point?

Saturday 2 October 2021

Dumb Meter

My online account is not showing the meter readings.  I wonder when will my supplier get in touch to ask me for a new reading.

Friday 1 October 2021

Filtered Milk

Filtered milk seems to have an unbelievably long life.  I cannot find any video on how it is done.  It is some dark magic!