Friday 28 April 2023

One and Only Australian Tour - Day 2 Family Time

Contemplating jetlag, I have planned for a slow day, staying in.  I have offered to cook for the family the best of British dinners, lasagne and mac and cheese.

After having an audit at their kitchen, consulting diet requirement, I bought the remainder ingredients.

In between cooking and eating,  we also played some chess. The kids are good, on the other hand, I am actually also a beginner in a grand scheme of thing.  My excuse is that I only had 3 hours of sleep due to jetlag.

I made bacon, mushroom, scramble egg, sourdough brunch. 

I made "American scone" with some VERY out of day heavy cream, beef sausage rolls and pork sausage rolls.

There was a scare that the oven wasn't heating up when I turned it on, after checking on the manual, I used the wrong mode, phew, I contemplated changing the menu! 

Another lesson learn is that if you need industrial amount of white sauce, microwave method would be a bad method. 

Empty plate all around, which is good. I left them a whole mac and cheese to reheat for next family meal. 

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