Wednesday 26 April 2023

One and Only Australian Tour - Day 0

This is my first international trip since 2019. Instead of "revenge travelling", I thought I had saved enough carbon credit to fly further,  hence Australia.   But since I am allergic the Sun,  it wasn't going to a long trip.

I have been mentally preparing myself for the long flight. I have concluded that any flight over seven hours, I shall sit aisle.  There is no point for a window for long flight, there is no sight majority of the time.

So in order for me to catch the 8am flight, I contemplating staying at the airport the night before, but ultimately I didn't, because either way, I would have to get up at some ungodly hours even if I have stayed nearer.

On my way to the airport, I tried to stop for a coffee but they ran out of milk, so I just ploughed on. In hindsight, I really should have got a coffee.

The first leg of flight was happily uneventful.

The layover was at Doha Airport, which has changed a lot since I last transited there, having had the Qorld Cup and all.

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