Saturday 29 April 2023

One and Only Australian Tour - Day 3 Proper Tourist

I went into Sydney, onwards to Bondi Beach, ate fish (dory) and chips (fries) with a hard cider at the famous Iceberg.

Walked through the Pink Mile at Darlinghurst, had some coffee and cake. 

Quizzed the Australian Museum's staff on Australian history.  In my experience, most museum staff are not historian!  Considered this is "Australian Museum", it not New South Wales Museum, they mentioned one of the first governor of NSW, Macquarie, which explains why everything is named Macquarie, but there is no mention of the first "Governor of Australia", by the way, I looked it up at home, its a guy called John Hope. There is also no mention who was "Darling", but since he was a NSW chap, the museum staff actually knows about him.

Went to Darling Harbour, looked at Pyrmont Bridge. 

Walked through China Town. 

Ended up in a group dinner to have Australianised pan-Chinese food.

A very productive tourist day. 

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