Sunday 30 September 2018

Taiwanese Noodles

We finally tried the Taiwanese noodle package we got from the supermarket.  I explained to Sarah what is lo mein, and how Taiwanese food is very flavoursome.  The noodles are nice, but I did not like the vinegar...  Also the amount of chilli flakes is quite impossible, luckily we didn't add all of it.  I think I will assign the sauce to other noodles I have at home at a larger quantity, and I will reassign the nice noodle with a nice broth.

Saturday 29 September 2018


biohazard noun
bio·haz·ard | \ ˈbī-ō-ˌha-zərd \
Definition of Biohazard : a biological agent or condition that is a hazard to humans or the environment also : a hazard posed by such an agent or condition

Someone at work used the word biohazard to describe basic biology...  When something clearly not normally hazardous...

Friday 28 September 2018

Little Rome Hibernation

I took Little Rome for a final spin of the year and put her on a paddock stand ready for hibernation.  The list of remedial works is getting very long.  Let see if she gets up from the hibernation...

Thursday 27 September 2018

Spam Automated Phonecalls

The automated spam phone calls are getting more sophisticated.  I received a phone call, I usually wait to tell them to get delete me off the list, it took me a few seconds to realise it was a recorded message.  There is no need to be polite to a machine, so I just hung up.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Konjac Shopping

We have loads of Konjac products at home and they are making into the mainstream in the UK.  I am now stockpiling them for the next few months when I want to take in extra fiber.

There are some in mainstream supermarkets, but I found some bulk buy discount online, perfect.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Left Clicking Shoulder

My right clicking shoulder is clicking less, and now my left shoulder started clicking...  When I do the strengthening exercises, I do on both.  Why is it still bad?  I am attributing all my tendon issues to the stupid medication, let's hope it will all return to normal by end of the year...

Monday 24 September 2018

English Chorizo

I got some real Spanish made chroizo from Lidl. I finally got around cooking them.  I am not convinced they are better than the English chorizo!

Sunday 23 September 2018

Manchester Hipster Cafes

I was catching up with various people in Manchester. 

I went to Trove for a scrambled eggs on sourdough and coffee.  The bread was good, the scrambled eggs were sickeningly rich, and the coffee was small!

Then went to The Elk for a cake and another coffee.  The coffee and walnut cake was good, but it was a bit of a cheat and it was not cut right!  The cafe was a normal sponge, and the only coffee was in icing and the only walnut was on or in the icing.

Saturday 22 September 2018

Tesco Flu Jab

I was planning about my upcoming recovery period.  I thought I would get a flu jab despite I hate the needle.  This year's flu fab just came out and I am one of the earliest recipient.  After a screening and a consent form and a little chit chat, I got the jab.  The jab was not as horrible as some other vaccine.  Let see if this will save me from flu this winter.  It was horrendous last year!

Friday 21 September 2018

Cold Killers

My used Cold Killers gloves served us well on our trip.  I saw more Cold Killers promotion, so I now have a complete set of Cold Killers gloves, socks and Maxi-Tube!  I can't wait to try them.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Little Valued Rome

After the long trip, I wonder if Little Rome needs to be retired.  I looked online, some slightly younger Little Romes still worth some money, but when I look at free valuation, they wouldn't give her one...

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Leather Trousers on the Road

I finally tried on the leather trousers on the road.  It is a bit scratchy.  They hug the legs better.  I am not completely sold on leather yet.

Tuesday 18 September 2018


I got a poussin on marked down, so I proceeded in cooking it.  I ended up poaching it, and the juice is turned into a broth.  Good buy!

Monday 17 September 2018

Aldi Vegetable Savory Snacks

I tried the lentil crisps and the pop outs, both nice, I will be getting them again.

Sunday 16 September 2018

Heritage Open Day - Calderdale Industrial Museum

This year we went to Calderdale Industrial Museum as part of Heritage Open Day.  The museum has a good and large collection with volunteers familiar with exhibits.  It was a good visit.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Typhoon and Hurricane

My sister was amazed how hurricane ravages the States, and declaring it uninhabitable.  This is when a typhoon is ravaging Hong Kong.  Surely none of these is making the cities more uninhabitable than a country regularly reaches over 40C.

Friday 14 September 2018

Motorcycle Cleaning

After the long trip, I washed my motorcycle jacket and trousers, as well as the motorcycle.  It was a lot of work to get the armour in and out, but I am glad it is done, and I won't have to worry for a while.  The dirt from Shetland and Orkney are also washed off, disgusting...

Thursday 13 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 8 + 2

On my way from Edinburgh, I stopped by the supermarket to fuel up.  I also picked up a few Scottish food stuff for the guys at work.

I saw the sign to Scott's View, so I followed the sign.  I remember being there in winter, it was a bit different!

Scott's View
I stopped at Leaderfoot and the borders to take a few pictures.

England / Scotland Border A68Leaderfoot Viaduct
I stopped at Corbridge Roman Town just when their guided tour started, perfect timing.

Corbridge Roman Town
I only just got home before 6pm, it was a long day!

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 8 + 1

We are back in Aberdeen and we has a quick drive around in Aberdeen.


Then we meet again in Arbroath for lunch.  I took the A92 scenic coastal route.  It was for the better, it was windy and the road is slower.  I finally get to try the Arbroath Smokies, aka hot smoked Haddock. We had it fresh off the barrel.

Then we meet again in Edinburgh!  It was very gusty after I left Arbroath!  I also crossed both Tay Bridge and Queensferry Bridge.  I picked Sarah up from Haymarket, and spent 20 minutes to travel the 1.5 miles due to road works and traffic jams.  Horrendous.

After a rest and a sugar boost, I caught up with my old friend from Vanderbilt.  We spent some time talking about life as expat.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 8

Our final day in Orkney was planned for the mainland.  We set out ambitiously to see everything in one day.  We had our work cut out with forecast rain and wind. We had a Bere Bannock to fuel us for the day.  It was dry and filling!

We packing everything and set off to Maes Howe, followed by Skara Brae, Kirbister Museum, Birsay.  We managed to avoid most of the rain!
Maes Howe
Skara Brae Kirbister Museum
Brough of Birsay
We found Twatt then we stopped at this wool workshop before stopping at Broch of Gurness.

Twatt Orkney
Broch of Gurness

We were not doing bad in time, so we fueled up and headed to Italian Chapel, although I thought it was going to be open till 6pm, they were shut before 6pm.
We went all the way to South Ronaldsea had a seafood dinner before heading back to hostel.  We got back before 8pm, all in good time for the ferry.

We utilised the facilities one last time, showering and having hot drinks and free snacks before heading to terminal.  Let's hope the ferry ride is smooth to Aberdeen!

Monday 10 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 7

The ferry for Sanday leaves at 9am, meaning we had an early start. We got to the pier just as the ferry mooring in.

Sanday is relatively easy to navigate and the roads are acceptable, although the carpark near the beaches are sandy! We sent to the Craft hub in Kettletoft for a little shopping excursion and a little chat.

Sanday Submarine They have 2 community funded community centres with tea and coffee making facilities. We have a rather leisurely, we even have time to revisit some beaches in low tide! Sanday

Sunday 9 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 6

It was the first foggy day on the bike, we headed to Houton for the ferry to Hoy.

Walls Causeway We first went to Walls via the causeway, then back up to Hoy.  The Sun was trying to come out, but we drove into the cloud.  We were wet and cold, we followed the sign to the only cafe in Moaness, at first just looking for a hot drink, which turned into lunch.
We went to Rackwick knowing we had no time for the Old Man of Hoy.
As we headed south, the Sun has cut thorough the fog in the south.

Hoy After we got off the ferry, we went to a local butcher at Stormness for some Orkney beef.

We went back to Kirkwall via Ring of Bodgar.  Whilst Sarah was looking around, I drove around the mainland hoping to find the Twatt sign, but they were not at a convinently locations for photographs.


Saturday 8 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 5

We had our big breakfast at the B&B.  Their cooked salmon scrambled eggs were much better than the one from Hepworth!  We popped to the fish shop next door to get some fish for dinner.  Then we went to the heritage centre and post office. We got some crab claws for lunch!  We also had the time to watch for seals.


On the ferry back, the weekly Papa Westray loading took much longer than scheduled.  One the other hand, we saw how they craned livestock on board!

Papa Westray

We had ths fish we bought for dinner, it tasted very nice and fresh, we wish we had bought more!

Friday 7 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 4

We began our first day of Orkney.  We put all the luggage at store and went to town on foot.  We had a look around St Magnus Cathedral.  What stood out was the tomb stones in the cathedral mostly included imagery of scull and bones, weird!

The Orkney Museum was small but it was very comprehensive.  Sarah is into the prehistoric bits, and I am into Vikings and medieval.  I made a Viking rubbing to declare my love in Runes.

We stopped at the bakeries and got some local lunch and headed to Westray.

We took the shuttle to town and got a hire bike to go to Papa Westray.   It started raining just as we set sail, and rained the whole time we were there!

Papa Westray

We had seafood platter and monk fish for dinner, they were nice and fresh.  The taste was reinforced by the image of clean water surrounding here!  I cannot wait to have more seafood this trip!

Thursday 6 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 3

On our last day of Shetland, we went south.  The road and the scenery was good.

Shetland Mainland

We stopped at Jarlshof, and it was impressive.

We continued south to Sumburgh head  their cafe was really good! Both the food and the perfect view.

We then went to the Croft House Museum it was very complete. We spent longer than planned.  The Croft House features real dried fish and real hung lamb breasts!

We went back into town, crossed around and stopped at Shetland Museum for a quick look around.

We boarded the ferry and headed South.


Wednesday 5 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 2

Just when I thought I can't clock more mileage on in these Isles, we managed another long day.  We left Unst promptly after breakfast, drove right thorough Yell and get back to the mainland.  We were slightly ahead of schedule.


Whilst we were on the ferries, I investigated the squeaking noise and found my brake fluid low.  I devised a plan to sort it with the minimal disruption to the plan. I asked the Brae garage to help as I filled up.

When we stopped for lunch, the delay at the restaurant set our schedule back! We went to Tangwick as intended, and it was an extremely scenic ride.

Shetland Mainland

We found Twatt then went on another scenic ride to Tingwall, and by then we were knackered!  We went to hostel via the Textile museum and the Jamie's on wool shop.
Twatt Shetland

Shetland Mainland
We saw the Clickimin Brock on foot before going to Fjarå Café, as features on Food Programme. Broch Clickimin

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 1

We disembarked early in the morning, wearing our warming gear and started riding north.

We made good progress and got to Yell Burravoe before the Old Haa Museum opens, so we sat at the pier.

We made the extra detour to Gloup and still got to Unst plenty early.

We dropped off the bags and continued north to find food, no avail!  We ate our emergency food!

We stopped at Hermaness, Skaw, Norwick before we had dinner.  We nearly were going to starve as the only restaurant on the Isle lost my reservation.

Hermaness National Nature Reserve Unst
We stopped by the bus shelter before coming home. What a long day! Unst

Monday 3 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 0

Between Edinburgh and Aberdeen, there isn't many cities. So the ride was quick easy, as well as a little boring.

I stopped at a cafe for lunch, their offerings were so Scottish! I had a lorne roll, other patrons were having black pudding rolls and potato soup!! 

I got to Aberdeen and popped to see Footdee before getting on the ferry and sailing into sunset.