Tuesday 11 September 2018

Shetland and Orkney Grand tour Day 8

Our final day in Orkney was planned for the mainland.  We set out ambitiously to see everything in one day.  We had our work cut out with forecast rain and wind. We had a Bere Bannock to fuel us for the day.  It was dry and filling!

We packing everything and set off to Maes Howe, followed by Skara Brae, Kirbister Museum, Birsay.  We managed to avoid most of the rain!
Maes Howe
Skara Brae Kirbister Museum
Brough of Birsay
We found Twatt then we stopped at this wool workshop before stopping at Broch of Gurness.

Twatt Orkney
Broch of Gurness

We were not doing bad in time, so we fueled up and headed to Italian Chapel, although I thought it was going to be open till 6pm, they were shut before 6pm.
We went all the way to South Ronaldsea had a seafood dinner before heading back to hostel.  We got back before 8pm, all in good time for the ferry.

We utilised the facilities one last time, showering and having hot drinks and free snacks before heading to terminal.  Let's hope the ferry ride is smooth to Aberdeen!

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