Monday 15 January 2024

Hong Kong Reunion Day 1

I think my plane landed a whole hour early, yet I had to wait for the airport bus.  Once I was on the bus, it as so quick, I closed my eyes for a minute, the next minute, I saw tram track, ie Hong Kong Island?!

I hiked up the hill to get to my friend's flat, I was melting when I got there.  I slightly unpacked, went to a local barber to cut my hair and went to see my mother, all in short sleeve tees, so much for Winter.  For lunch we had supposedly Shanghaiese pork chop with vegetable rice, the tea-coffee was substandard.

Where my mom was staying was near the hills, so I get so see many other birds, and even butterflies.

I picked up some Japanese strawberries, they were expensive, but I didn't think they were that special...

Then I had dinner with my friends, the ramen was substandard...  By then I was very zombified, and I went to bed after watching a little Australian Open with them.

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