Saturday 23 September 2017

Montpellier Tour - Day 2

We had a lazy morning and getting out of bed by 10am.  We strolled across the street for some bread and strolled into town.  The tourist information was quite helpful.  Sarah was a little disappointed that we missed the tour at the Medical Museum.

We wandered all over town, and the town was surprisingly small!  We wandered into a posh chocolate spread shop, we were tempted.  We swung be a highly rated Vietnamese restaurant and looked at the menu, I was disappointed. We opted not to go there.

We were experiencing a sugar crash and/or heat stroke, and we sat down for some sandwich. I had a French sausage roll, the sausage meat was quite tasty, but there were a lot of pastry.

We stopped for some ice-cream on our way home.  The coffee ice-cream was made with French coffee, ie dark roasted!  We went home for a nice long nap before dinner. We stopped by a shop to get some hot chocolate for the next morning.

We went to a recommended local modern French restaurant, we were struggling to translate what was on the menu, at the end I did not fancy their offering, by then we were also crashing!  I pointed at a French Restaurant and we went in. I was set on duck confit and chocolate fondant, while Sarah was trying to translate the rest of the offerings. Where the old dictionary fails, Google picked up the slack. I suggested Sarah to have the red mullet with leek, which turned out very nice. The dessert cheese was nice but not particularly exciting. The chocolate fondant was a little disappointing. But at least we ticked the French food off the box.

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