Wednesday 6 September 2017

Pronoun Education

How do you raise a child to understand a gender spectrum?

Person A  "It is important child X knows, a female can be a train driver too."
Person B  "It is definitely a 'he'"
Person C  "How do you know it is a 'he', just because of the hair?"
Person B  "It is important for child X to understand pronouns he and she."
Person C  "To understand that pronouns are meaningless?"
Person B  "It is depends on your point of view."

Few minutes later...
Person A  (a doll was on a latch, said to child X)  "Is she scared?"
Person C  "How do you know it is a 'she'?"
Person B  "She looks like a she from this angle."
Person C  "Just because it wears pink and has pony tail?"

Just name everything, it maybe easier.

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