Monday 25 September 2017

Montpellier Tour - Day 4

We took the last opportunity to rest.  We checked out as late as we could and headed into town. 

Just about everything was shut on the Sunday, the street was very quiet.  Sarah found on the internet about the flea market by the aqueduct.  The flea market was celebrating the 5th anniversaries, there was some free food and drink.  We got a bit of bread and passed on the wine.  The offerings were interesting.  Sarah and I were both tempted by a few things, and those remotely interested us were extortionate, so we left empty handed.  We swung by the botanical garden before looking for lunch.

We stopped at the same square where we had sandwich the other day.  This time we opted for a French restaurant.  I had the boring chicken and fries with a glass of rose wine, and Sarah had goat cheese starter and monk fish.  We waited for a long time for the food, luckily the restaurant gave out olives and I had an apple earlier.

The rose wine was very blend.  Sarah enjoyed her cheese and monk fish.  We were both full of fries by the end.  I wish we had room for a chocolate parfait, but we again could not find room for a dessert!  We also only managed a 1.5 hours lunch fare.  In hindsight, I would love to see the look on a French if I tried to make a chip butty! 

I tried to get Sarah to buy another salad for the plane, but she worried about the hot temperature would spoil it.  I saw a palmier the first day, and we bought one just before we left town.  I grew up with palmier in my local bakery, and my friend comes to associate me and my local bakery with palmier.  So I took a picture with it under a French flag and sent it along.

Sarah found the viewpoint above the conference centre, and we had a view of the city.  We could have hung out a little longer if it was not for the relentless Sun.  We did a little people watching in the shade before going back to the hotel.
At the hotel, we debated if we should sit outside for the breeze or sit inside away from the element.  We sat outside for the bit, but the breeze was very unreliable, we went back inside.  We continued our restful trip with more lazing and reading.

We went to the airport with lots of time to spare.  We finished off the apples, oat cakes and water before we boarded.  While we were boarding, we were informed the plane was full, so we resigned to not being able to sit together for 2 hours.  Then when we boarded, I had am empty sit next to me, and there were another 4 empty seats at the exit row!  I jumped to see Sarah at the first opportunity and she agreed to move to sit with me made me very happy.  I ate the palmier on the plane, it tasted okay.

We landed and we got out quite quickly, we got the car and went home.   Quite a relaxing and smooth trip.

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