Thursday 1 September 2016

Power Steering Fault

Car has so many parts, so far with my experience, any given one time, any given thing could fail!

Everything was fine until I restarted Kendrew and it could hardly turn, and I noticed the steering wheel warning light on.  I looked around the Kendrew, no puddle of oil; I looked under the bonnet, no apparent loose connection, so I called AA.

I called them about 7pm, they said it maybe up to 8:30pm. The app doesn't register the call until about 7:27pm, and the van turned up about 7:40pm.

Karl arrived just before 8pm. He plugged the computer in and still no obvious answer. He checked all fuses and earth, still no problem found so he has given up. Since my car was fine, I was told to drive home without power steering! And he offered to follow me home. I did have some problem with the small roundabouts and reversing into the parking space. I had o skip gym because of the problem, but I broke a sweat parking up! I have to try to sort it out tomorrow.

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