Friday 16 September 2016

Tyres Shopping

Car is definitely more complicated than a motorcycle.  Kendrew needs some new tyres and I am overwhelmed by choices.  There are different ratings, different purposes, different cost and different services from different supplier.  I spoke to a local tyre place and establish how many tyres I need, they seem to be indifferent about brand and ratings.

A lot of people just go to a tyre place and take whatever they recommend, an element of randomness, but I want something good, and I like to think I contribute in the selection process.  This is a big purchase, and it will have a long lasting effect on the car safety, the fuel economy and even the overall driving experience, I certainly think reading up tyre review is more important than restaurant review.

I think I have made a decision on what, when and how to get the new tyres, it certainly took some brain power!

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