Wednesday 21 September 2016

Wheel Adjustments

Last year, it was recommended to get some new cush drive every few years as they are rubber and they degrade.  Then I bought some, and Gary tried to put them in and failed.  He reckoned the old cush drive was good and the new cush drive was shit.

So in the lesson, I took off Little Rome's wheel and made some adjustment.  I looked at their Haynes manual, it mentioned nothing about cush drive replacement.  I brought the cush drive anyway, but also cannot fit them in.  Ian identified my wheel's powder coating slightly altered the size of the cushing's slot and pressing the cushing rubber in, also they were not very well made.

I also take the opportunity to clean the sprocket and cush drive areas.  It has never been so clean!  I also cannot believe how quickly I got through the brake cleaner!

I struggled to put the wheel back on, the mechanic always makes it look easy!

Next week, air box, carburettor and compression test.

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