Wednesday 30 June 2021

Slippery Wimbledon Grass

If you don't want to slip playing tennis, don't play on grass.  

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Taste of Travels

In additional the Balmoral bread and the cheese, I also got some honey and heather smoked trout all the way from Ullapool.

The bread was soft and sweet, a bit brown and malty.

The trout was very smoky.

Sarah appreciated the cheeses.

Monday 28 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 9 Home

When I am so near home, my homing instinct was so strong, I was the second one leaving the B&B, which was good, Gwilym volunteered to walked me through the gravel!

I made one final stop before riding home, I stopped at one of the farm shops, picked up some cheese on my way home.  On familiar territory, I was comfortable with the tyres, they definitely feel good on the dry.

I got home fairly early, which was essential, as I had all the unpacking, all the gardening, etc. I even took a covid test, to make sure I am keeping my colleagues safe.

Sunday 27 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 8 Appleby in Westmorland

It was going to be a long day of driving, with full lugguage, I was not planning many stops.  But before I left, I picked up a loaf of Balmoral Bread from Byron, formerly known as Chalmers.

Just when I made to the bottom of the Cairngorms, Flint was playing up, I had to stop and called AA.  Gabriel saw me and joined me for a coffee.

The AA came within an hour, and got me going in 45 minutes, so that pushed my lunch to 3pm!  I stopped by St Mary's Loch which is very nice.  It was so nice that I told Sarah we should go camping!

When I got there, I was still the first biker there!

Saturday 26 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 7 Balmoral and Braemar

Since Ballater is next to Balmoral, I decided to check it out.  And since the weather forecast was bad, I decided to take a bus.  I told everyone about my plan, but the people wasn't very keen.  Anyway, I did all the research and sorted out the bus time tables, booked my ticket and packed some lunch and went.

I went to Balmoral on the first bus, by the time am done with the audio tour, the grounds and the river  side walk, I went back to the cafe, and found three bikers at the cafe.  They came on their bikes.
I stopped for lunch and had some cullen skink.  Their cullen skink has fewer visible haddock bits, but tasted very nice.

After lunch, I set out for a walk up the hill on the Balmoral estates.  

I got quite lost, and when I got back to the grounds, I was rushing to catch the bus.  I bumped into the same bikers again, they were also just leaving.

Since my bus ticket cover the whole of Deeside, I took the bus onwards to Braemar.  Braemar is a small town, so after a quick walk onto their Highlands Grounds, I decided to talk up the hill!

On the way back, I walked passed a red squirrel feeding station, there were loads of red squirrels. After a long day and long walks, I had a long hot bath and called it a day.

As it turned out, another 3 bikers went to Balmoral, I should totally get a commission!

Friday 25 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 6 Ballater

The forecast was really bad, as far as I am concern, regardless what time we set off, we were going to get wet, so I was not a rush.  I went "direct" to Ballater, but so was most people.

The Cairngorms in the wet was proven to be very challenging, with lugguage on, I was not prepared to test the limits on the tyres.

Ballater was still quite dry when we parked up, so I got changed and quickly went for a walk around the town.  Not before I covered Flint up.

I bumped into Scott and Gabriel, and they joined me for the riverside walk, followed by a cup of coffee.  The Netherley Guest House opened up the lounge for us, so I made use of it reading Sandi Toksvig's Almanac.

Thursday 24 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 5 Old Man of Stoer

With the forecast being bad, I was not prepare to go very far.  I have set my sight on the Old Man of Stoer, a short ride to the lighthouse, a short walk to the old man, what could go wrong?  It is so near, I didn't bother setting up navigation aid.  It is so a short walk, I could just stop for a coffee at the light house.

The weather was surprisingly dry in the morning.  I parked up at the lighthouse, the lighthouse looked nice and clear.  As soon as I started walking, the sea mists started rolling in.  I soldiered on and the fog for thicker.  The inland path was not very well trottened, so I was following my instinct and a tripoint emerged from the fog! From the tripoint, it was a downhill stroll to the old man.

I walked back on the coastal route, which is a lot more navigable. 

When I got back to the lighthouse, the coffee koisk was still not open!

On my way back, I took a wrong turn and ended up in Culkein.  So I might as well stopped at the only cafe there for a recharge.


Wednesday 23 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 4 Lochinver

With lugguage on, I went "direct" to Lochinver.  I was expected to be the first one there.

Rogie Falls was right off the main road, so it was silly not to stop to check it out.

Then I stop at Ullapool for lunch.  The Seafood Shack was queuing around the block, and the queue did not die down for the whole hour!  The mac and cheese has more chorizo than haddock and no sight of the peas.  The cullen skink was quite salty.

Because of the lunch delay, and a small unplanned diversion, aka lost, I was not the first one in Lochinver.

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 3 Mull and Oban

With the extra daylight, I set off with the ambition to comprehensively tour Mull and Iona and never to come back.  I took the little ferry at Corran, thorough a lot of road works and caught another ferry onto Mull.

Everyone went to Fionnphort either out onto Iona or other excursions, I went the opposite way, I went diagonally to Calgary bay, and down the coast, saw Eas Fors waterfalls.  

By then I was tired from the slow and difficult riding, I turned back to Craignure and just missed the ferry.  I rode down to Loch Don, then back to Craignure, did some charity shopping.  I got a Fjällräven hat for £3!

Then I caught the ferry to Oban and got to the Seafood Hut before they shut.  But by then, they sold out langoustine.  So I settled with some scallops. 

Monday 21 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 2 Inchree

"Where is Inchree?", was what I thought when I saw the schedule.  "Oh, it is near Corran", someone said.  "Where is Corran?", I thought.  Finally I found it on the map, it is near Fort William.

Because I have my lugguage on, I want to avoid unnecessary stops, therefore I made my own way to Inchree.  I drove past the Kelpies, but I didn't stop for a picture.

I stopped at Killin for some lunch, the Falls of Dochart was quite nice, but I didn't stop for a picture either.

Because of the direct route I took, I was the first one there!  I got changed, wore full midges protection and went to check out Inchree Falls.  It was more impressive then I imagined.

Sunday 20 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 1 Moffat

As part of the preparation, I decided to put some new tyres on the bike.  There should be enough of back tyre for the trip, but the front tyre was worn unevenly, so let's change them both.

The lady at Bike Tyres Leeds recommended me the Pirelli Angels, which are also listed in the Triumph O&M.  I am traditionally a Continenal fan, and Steve is a Bridgestone fan for motorcycle tyres.  He heard about my Pirelli and scoffed at it.  The only way to find out was to try, so let's go for them.

I turned up at my scheduled slot, there was a queue of 3 or 4 bikes outside the shop, she said something about a stubborn tyre is delaying their normal process.  It was fine, as we did some shopping and had a cup of tea at home.

After we picked up the bike, we had some lunch then I loaded up and headed north.  You are supposed to take it easy for the first hundred miles, which was not a difficult task, as the first 170 miles were all main roads riding.  I stopped at Carlisle for fuel, so that I can have a glimpse at the castle.

We parked up at Moffat, walked around town, I had some freshly made ice-cream and sharing it with the town's ram.

After dinner, just when it started raining, I put the cover on Flint and went to bed.  It is always the case that I am the only person that bring a coat for the bike!

Saturday 19 June 2021

Travelling Preparation

We haven't done any travelling for a while, and we forget how much we have to do in preparation!  Plans, schedules, weather forecast,  money, vehicle, routes,  etc.

Friday 18 June 2021

Camera up the Nose

I always know all the sinus are connected, but it was so strange to have a camera up my nose down my throat.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Posh Outdoor Slippers

My Christmas sale slipper from years ago have finally died.  I was looking for replacement and Sarah surprised me with a pair of outdoor grade slippers.  They are so pretty so I don't want to dirty them!

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Endless Windows Update

The Windows Updates are endless, always dragging my computer down!

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Summer Cut

I got a summer clipper cut.  I think that is my last haircut for this summer, or even this year!  I probably need to tidy up the neck line at some point.

One thing I keep forgetting is that,  when hair this short I cannot manage my ever growing number of white hairs!   So maybe this will be my last clipper cut. 

Monday 14 June 2021

Bumper Asparagus

We went to Sand Hutton on the last day of their season.  To show loyalty, I brought back the bag from last shop, to show some love, they gave me a bumper kilo!

Sunday 13 June 2021

Flint For Sale

Whilst we were out in the Peak Districts, I fitted the for sale sign on Flint.  Let's hit those eye balls!

Saturday 12 June 2021

Handmaid's Cautionary Tales

Handmaid's Tales's dystopia is too close to reality.  We should run when we smell smoke, don't wait for the fire gets up to the front door.

Friday 11 June 2021


In view of getting more outdoor exercises, we got a Swingball.  It took us a few minutes to get a hang of it.  Real tennis racket also works.  But since Swingball's line of travel is very different to a normal tennis game, it is good for training reflex.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Handmaid is Not Safe for Work

The Handmaid's Tale is now available free on Channel 4, but due to its sexual nature, it is very unsafe for work!

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Too Old to Twist

 We bought a Twister for a laugh.  We are totally too old for it!

Monday 7 June 2021

Fat Gene MC4R

GOOS found the fat gene(s), namely MC4R.  My dad was right afterall.

Sunday 6 June 2021

Khatti Dhal

This khatti dhal recipe is a lot more moreish than my previous recipes.

Saturday 5 June 2021

Dropped Scone

We went to this cafe and ordered an "All American Pancakes" with high hopes, only to be disappointed. I was expecting crispy (American) streaky bacons, fluffy pancakes.

Back bacons and cakey dropped scones...

Friday 4 June 2021

Tiananmen 32 Years On

Tiananmen 32 Years On

Just when you hope the worst must have passed, atrocity continues.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Baby Spiders

When are these beasties going to move, so I can finish touching up that corner of the fence panel!


Wednesday 2 June 2021

Screws Out

I did a few DIY job on the fence, ie wood work, I depleted my nails and screws stock!  I was hoping the new hinges would have come with screws, but they didn't!  Something to keep in mind on my next projects.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Tomahawk Steak

I have heard about Tomahawk steak, but I never got a chance to try it, I hasn't even seen it in real life. It is just a fancy word for ribeye on bone. 

When we last went to Spuds and Berries, I saw one in real life, bit it was not quite the barbeque season.  Then we were near the area this weekend, and they still have one going.  They even drew a tomahawk steak on their specials board: Yorkshire age (possibly Yorkshire bred and rear). We should have asked for it's name! So we went for it.  This is only a 29oz (1024g)!

I read up on how to cook it on the bbq, ie on the cool side.

So after some 45 minutes on the flame, the beast was cook to medium well.

It is nice beef and all, The bone weighed out as 222g. I don't think I would bother again, just get a normal rib eye.