Thursday 24 June 2021

Scottish GBMCC Grand Tour: Day 5 Old Man of Stoer

With the forecast being bad, I was not prepare to go very far.  I have set my sight on the Old Man of Stoer, a short ride to the lighthouse, a short walk to the old man, what could go wrong?  It is so near, I didn't bother setting up navigation aid.  It is so a short walk, I could just stop for a coffee at the light house.

The weather was surprisingly dry in the morning.  I parked up at the lighthouse, the lighthouse looked nice and clear.  As soon as I started walking, the sea mists started rolling in.  I soldiered on and the fog for thicker.  The inland path was not very well trottened, so I was following my instinct and a tripoint emerged from the fog! From the tripoint, it was a downhill stroll to the old man.

I walked back on the coastal route, which is a lot more navigable. 

When I got back to the lighthouse, the coffee koisk was still not open!

On my way back, I took a wrong turn and ended up in Culkein.  So I might as well stopped at the only cafe there for a recharge.


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