Saturday 23 December 2023

Day 0 The Netherlands - Amsterdam

It turned out to be a very long day, long windy day.

I booked a cheap, split journey to the airport.  We left the house in good time, bumped into the neighbour, and a chat, then we had to speed walk to the station!

Once I got to the airport, I waited and got a Too Good To Go. It was acceptable, but it was the cheapest thing I could get at the airport.

I already got a notification that the plane is delayed, due to high wind, Storm Pia.  After one and a half hour, we boarded.

It was very bumpy, even the takeoff was a little hairy.  It was not helped by the "sound effect" of all the children oooing and ahhing.  When we landed, there were applauds...  Amsterdam was warmer than Manchester.

Instead of taking the train into town centre and walk two miles, I took the train one stop into the suburb and walked from there for 2.5 miles.  Except, road diversion and getting lost, it was closer to 3 miles.

I finally checked in and went to the supermarket to get some basics.  What a long day.

Distance travelled on foot, approximately 5 miles.

Dutch food:

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