Tuesday 31 December 2019

Grand Tour Venice - Day 3

Sarah convinced me to split the islands to two days, so we did.

We went to Mazzorbo, Burano, Torcello and Lido.

I was hoping to see the Suspended animals by Stefano Bombardieri, but exhibition ended in November, gutted.


Whilst at Burano - the fisherman island, I saw a fisherman handing over bags of mantis prawns to a guy. Then I remember seeing mantis prawn (alive) in the fish market, so I thought I would get some of them. We stopped for a coffee and some Essi. The lace museum was interesting.


We had a walk around in Torcello and had some lunch. They also do a Burano seafood risotto, so we shared one with another fritto misto. It had full of all sort of seafood.
1DSCF0255 Lido was quite boring, it is interesting, As it has cars and bicycles are allowed! We managed to catch a sunsets; Sun sets really quickly in Venice! Lido has a large Conrad City to entertain us. We got a big box of oyster mushrooms, and decided to make mushroom risotto. We ended up eating risotto twice a day.

Making the most out of the ferry tickets, I insisted on taking a night circular ferry line, and on the way back, we took in some night Venice night view. 1DSCF0257
Rialto Bridge
Bridge of Sighs.

Monday 30 December 2019

Grand Tour Venice - Day 2

Originally I thought we would go to the islands but with the change of plans, we visited most of the things in the most touristy bits.

1doge 1
Doge Palace
San Marco
Rialto Bridge

For lunch, we had some fritto misto, mixed fried fish/veg with white polenta, some cicchetti-sized salad and some fresh ragu pasta.

We were hoping to get on a Traghetto, gondola with standing spaces only to cross the water, but it only operates middle of the day, we had a long way home!

And most importantly, fish market. I kept reading about seppia, cuttlefish, so I bought one for dinner. Must to Sarah's shock, I had to gut it, skin it, as well as cooking it.

Sunday 29 December 2019

Grand Tour Venice - Day 1

The first day is always the traveling day.  On our way to Manchester Airport, we managed to stop at Tim Horton's.  Timmy here is much worse than the Timmy in Canada.

Manchester Airport security was painful as always.

We flew in, our flight landed just before an Albanian flight, the non-EU queue was unbelievably long!  It took me 45 minutes to get past the immigration.  We took the shuttle to Venice, walked 30 minutes to check in, and we were finally there!


Our flat was very centrally located and there was a supermarket in the block.  Being in Northern Italy, risotto is the order of the day, the risotto rice were so cheap! We cooked dinner and rested up.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Stainless Moka Pot

Sarah has been reading weird research papers.   This time,  she freaked out when I put a moka pot in the dishwater.   Then I assured her it was a stainless moka pot.

Friday 27 December 2019

Boxing Day Cantonese Food

I have been meaning to try this Cantonese restaurant for a while,  and they were open on boxing day, so we went for it.

Long story short,  I should not have any expectation them. 

On the plus side,  we had our Christmas crackers and wore a hat. 

Thursday 26 December 2019

Christmas Spin

With the weather so nice, I took Flint out for a Christmas spin.  I only saw 1 bike the whole ride until I got to Sutton Bank, there was a small group stopped there.  It was a little cold, but I enjoyed it.

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Christmas Eve Shopping

Christmas Eve shopping was a bit of a damp squib.  The marked down were not suitable attractive.  Sainsbury's team already started removing the decoration,  how sad.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Cycling Practice

I would blame being tired, I would blame lacking lunch, but I still cannot believe I fell off the bike!  I need more practice.

Monday 23 December 2019

Dust Removal

After Sarah had a dust induced asthma attack,  I was committed to have a major dedust operation,  which could really only be done in a weekend.

Hoover all areas and all items involving moving all the furnitures.
Tightened screws on bed whilst at it.
Wash all covers.
Shake all covers.

Where are all the dust come from?!?!?

Sunday 22 December 2019

Inconsiderate Parking

Sometimes you see bad parking in car parks, but usually for cars, there is more choices.  I arrived at my usual motorcycle parking rank, a motorcycle has parked such a way that it took 2 spaces and the remaining space is insufficient for a maneuver!  Inconsiderate asshole.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Anne Lister's Holy Trinity

I have been meaning to visit this church,  Holy Trinity at Goodramgate,  made famous in recent times by Anne Lister.

I even made a donation on my way out.   I hope the Church Conservation Trust takes this opportunity to rake it in and fund their other locations.

Friday 20 December 2019

Black (Eye) Friday

When everyone is thinking about clocking off for Christmas/year end/winter break,  I am thinking about tying up the loose ends!

Thursday 19 December 2019

Orange Food

Sarah said I am always eating yellow food.   This season,  with carrots and orange being in season and on offer,  I have been eating a lot of orange food, in between my yellow food!

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Pork Cheeks

I had beef cheeks before,  just like any other piece of beef.   I picked up some pork cheeks from the supermarket.   They were so much smaller than the beef cheeks.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Holiday to Gluttony

Are you going anywhere for Christmas?
Nah, just Gluttony.
Nice, best time for it.

Monday 16 December 2019

Granola Shopping

Every since I got the Special K Nourish, I started adding sweet things in my bird food, aka bran flakes.  I got a Lidl granola, and I must say, it was very good.  I am now shopping replacement that does not contain coconuts or date, which is surprisingly hard to find.  The current front runner is Dorset, or I just get Lidl again and add more nuts.

Sunday 15 December 2019

Harrogate Biscuit Company

"You were conned" Sarah told me when I came back with some marked down shortbread,  "50p for two biscuits?! "

Anyway,  Harrogate Biscuis Company - Traditional recipe it read,  it must have been traditionally bad... I must remember not to buy anything if their selling point was being traditional.   I have not had a commercially made shortbread so chewy.

Saturday 14 December 2019


I have truffle flavoured things a few times now and I still haven't acquired the taste.  What's the fuss?

Friday 13 December 2019

Monk Fish

I caught a marked down monk tail.  I simply pan fried it.  It tastes of normal fish, but I was not keen on the membrane.

Thursday 12 December 2019

Christmas Cracker Tats

Most people just leave the tats on the table, what a waste.  I rescued two items.  I cannot believe someone threw away the pen!  What a waste, item made for the bin...

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Tiny Supermarkets

I am so used to super stores, I was shopping in this smaller supermarket, the product range is very limited.  To make it worse, I was trying to hit my target price to use my coupon!  I did fine enough of items that I want to utilize the coupon, but I need to remind myself not all supermarkets have the full compliment.

Monday 9 December 2019


an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood. 

Use the wider definition to include all the negligent / accidental liars and conspiracy theorists. 

Sunday 8 December 2019

Off the Eaten Path

I have seen "off the eaten path" for a while, I finally bought one to pack out my order.  It tastes like normal rice snacks to me, but Sarah thinks there is a weird taste.  I wouldn't buy it again at this price point though.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Horrible Audi Driver

I encountered an asshole on the motorway.  He was tailgating me, after I moved out of his way, he came in front of me and slammed on the brake to piss me off.  Then I minded my own business when he was staying on the overtaking lane, speeding and slamming on the brakes alternatively.

White Audi sedan with a 17 plate. I never has a good look of the driver.  Many miles later, I overtook a white Audi estates with 17 plate, that driver was a distracted middle aged fat man. 

Assholes everywhere. Stay safe. 

Friday 6 December 2019

More Winter Accidents

Another few accidents ground the whole area's traffic in the halt.  As soon as I saw the queue, I checked the traffic and went the opposite direction.  Steve didn't so he made repeated un-informed guess and all ended further back in the queue!  Always check!

Thursday 5 December 2019

Soda Crystal

I remember the house-wife shows when I was growing up, Dr Ken always talk about caustic soda.  These days, caustic soda is harder to get hold of, so I just have to settle with soda crystal.  I always wonder if it works...

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Berea College - Indenture Apprenticeship

Berea College made the news for setting up students with on campus work programme equates to their tuition fee.

Indenture apprenticeship is not new, it is good to see it is back in trend.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

The Secret Life of the Zoo

I am hooked on the Secret Life of the Zoo, having said that, it was a lot of wildlife porn.  Someone said, why can't they just AI - artificially inseminate the animals.  Who wants to wank off a 3 ton rhino?

Monday 2 December 2019

Java Online Tutoring

I thought I would brush up my programming skill, so I found an online tutorial.  So far so easy.

Sunday 1 December 2019

Hot Water Bottle

Who needs a hot water bottle when you have a hot water kettle!   It is perfect!

Saturday 30 November 2019

Barwick in Elmet

I drive thorough Barwick all the time,  we finally got a chance to explore it.   We missed lunch services on most of the eateries,  we settled for a Green King's lunch;  it was pretty bad...

In the after lunch walk,  we did both the castle bailey and an iron age earthwork.   Barwick ticked!

Friday 29 November 2019

Harris and James Coffee Chocolate

My last Harris and James in the stash.   It is not coffee flavoured chocolate,  it is coffee hocolate!   It has 10% coffee and 65% cacao.   I must consume with care. 

Thursday 28 November 2019

Black Friday Everything

In England they really push everything on "Black Friday" sale before the actual "Black Friday".  This year they got the gym membership on sale, and I took advantage of it.  My best find this year!

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Dangerous Vibram

I got a new pair of pretty walking shoes.   Sarah recognised the trade name Vibram.   As soon as I walked out the door,  I was skidding everywhere.   It might have been good 80 years ago comparing with leather sole,  it is absolutely shit compare with modern soles.   Avoid at all cost!

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Useless Felt Roof

After day and days of rain, I noticed a few patches of water in the garage.  Consider it is only a three years old roof, felt roof is absolutely useless!

Monday 25 November 2019

Worn Rear Brakes

So the garage told me my rear brake was worn, so they changed them for me.  When I picked up the bike, they kept the brake to show me, it was extremely worn, practically down to nothing, I was lucky that no damage to the disc.  Since the front end was not right, I had been using the rear brakes, that maybe the result of it.

They charge me full rate instead of the Winter discount rate, liars...  That is another story.

I remember my first set of rear brakes on Endee also worn all the way down, and damaged the discs!  I cannot believe that was 20 years ago!

Sunday 24 November 2019

Harris & James H&J Dark Chocolate Haiti Pisa 80%

I just remember to work on my H&J stash.  Being independent chocolate shop, it may have a short life regardless what the label said.  The chocolate was acceptable but not worth its price, maybe it is getting old.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Street Triple RS Launch

I was dropping off my bike,  so I stopped for the event.   No free food,  hardly any freebies, not even a cuppa.  The launch was later then scheduled,   it was totally con to get people spending in the cafe.

A stranger started talking to me,  I supposed we are in the motorcycle brotherhood,  so not stranger.   They have six bikes between him and his wife! 

The bike was ridden in,  a small drip formed under the bike,  possibly water,  but still disconcerting.   The demo bike already has a few hundred quid worth of extras compare with the bog standard.   I think the colour looks plasticky.  Maybe just the indoor lighting.

I am not impressed,  probably won't get me to go to one of these again.   Like Yammie noob said,  maybe Ducati will give you biscotti,  at least.

Friday 22 November 2019

York Christmas Market 2019

York's Christmas Market is so different from the one in Leeds.   Practically all shopping,  hardly any food.   If you were walking past it in an evening,  hungry,  you would curse it!

Thursday 21 November 2019

Knox - Cold Killer

I bought the Knox gear when I was in Shetland, I only just finally tried them, snood and socks.  They do their job.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Leeds Christmas Market 2019

While I was in town mid-week, I had a quick stroll in the Leeds Christmas Market.  It is disappointing year on year.  The only thing notable this year is the fried cheese shop.  It is practically all eatery and some games, hardly any shopping left.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Winter Driving

I saw loads of road traffic accident since the clock change, Winter driving can be dangerous.   I did my bit by changing my head light as soon as I could.  Be careful~

Monday 18 November 2019


Since we were in Oxfordshire, I suggest to stop at Bicester.  "Bicester, never heard of it", Sarah said.  By the time we got there, all 2000 car park space was filled, coach loads of tourists, the whole place was heaving, full of everyone from everywhere.

Now that is ticked off, we are not bothered to go again.  The sample hand balms were the best bit of this excursion.

Sunday 17 November 2019

Finest View in England - Blenheim

Last time we went to Blenheim, they were cleaning the lake.  This is the view Blenheim claims to be finest in England.

Saturday 16 November 2019

Marinade Theory

We got some ready meal with glaze.  I suggested to use the glaze for marinade.  I actually don't believe any marinade works, because of osmosis.  Glaze on the other hand, it just seasoning and sugar applied on top after food is cooked.

Friday 15 November 2019

Serial Port

We are in a process of upgrading to Windows 10.  I cannot believe there are a number of device still using serial port, and they have new Windows 10 driver.  Will it ever be phased out?

Thursday 14 November 2019

Large Home Bargains

I went to the new Home Bargains in Leicester.  It is big, it is new, it is shiny!  Loads of good stuff!

Wednesday 13 November 2019


Binder, a simple word with so much meaning.

One of Sarah's favourite podcast mentioned about binder.  When Sarah said she would like me more if I get some binders, I was so confused.  Then we have a whole discussion about binders in stationery department, and binders in bodily compression department.  That is before I mentioned about Binder points in pipeworks.

Folders, they are called folders!

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Use Proper Words

Stop using the synonym of porcelain, ceramics, stoneware, far east, Asia.  It is lazy and inaccurate.

When the SciShow's host described something 10,000 years ago in the Far East using lazy synonym, I lost it.  Lazy, inaccurate, I thought SciShow was better than that.

Monday 11 November 2019

National Civil War Centre

I have been meaning to visit the museum, especially it is half price with English Heritage.  It is a nice museum with rotating exhibitions.  I am glad I ticked it off, and came away with a little more knowledge about the civil war saga.

I spent a good few minutes playing with a rotary phone.

Obviously the Civil War Centre talked about the war, when Prince Rupert's name rings a bell, I looked it up, it is the same Rupert that discovered the property of "Prince Rupert's drops".  Interesting.

Sunday 10 November 2019

Vegan Festival

We stopped at a vegan food fest for a laugh.  Eating outside in the cold, without meat, was never satisfying...  Sarah had an "Indian Pancake", and I had some seitan sausages.  Before I could get a pie and chips, we had to rescue Sarah from the cold to somewhere warmer.  I miss my bean curd sheets!

Saturday 9 November 2019

Black Screen of What

The computer is playing up and I am not sure why.  I have been checking all the updates, I am still not sure what it is.  Windows 10 is a bit weird...

Friday 8 November 2019

Thursday 7 November 2019

Buckwheat Pancakes

With no rising agent and no flour, I decided to reach into the cupboard for what I have and made pancakes.  I adopted the souffle pancake technique and used buckwheat.  I think I just like wheat more in general.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Fridge Scare

I came home to find my fridge warm.  I quickly googled the reset instruction and it reset, phew!  I hope it will last me a little longer, at least to the black Friday sale!

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Lost Parcel

Queenie didn't get my parcel, and after 6 weeks, I was allowed to submit a request for refund, and took another week for a cheque.  What a pain!

Monday 4 November 2019

Pukka Organic Latte Cacao Maca

Sarah has been going on about Filmore and Union maca coffee.  I thought I would get the Pukka Organic Latte Cacao Maca to surprise her.  I had no idea what maca was.  The internet review of the Pukka Organic Latte Cacao Maca was mixed with people disliking it being so spicy.  I am glad Sarah likes it.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Submerged Pie

We went out to lunch and ordered the pie and gravy, it seems adequately auspicious.  When the pie turned up, it was a fully cased pie bathing in a bowl of gravy.  We were both shock, and I worked my way thorough the pie.  Excessive pastry, excessive gravy...  I will be more careful what I order in that cafe next time...

Saturday 2 November 2019

Unwanted Green Tomatoes

The last lot of the tomatoes on the vine is not turning red, and we are losing hope.  We are not keen on making them into chutney, and we cannot think of anything that would eat green tomato, rats, foxes?  It seems a waste to put into compost heap.

Friday 1 November 2019


I was just looking up some investment options, and when I actually looked into some "Ethical" funds, I am not sure what "Ethical" means anymore.  Ethical - what a meaningless word...

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Sticky Throttle II

AA sent me to a garage for a sticky throttle.  After Halfords decided my throttle was not sticky, I left the garage still with a starting problem.  I got my hands dirty and just did it myself.  After some WD-40 and a roll of kitchen roll, it is all back to normal, yay!

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Monday 28 October 2019

Flu Jabbed

I felt weird from the jab, and I feel weird from the jab few days on.  I am still not sure it is all worth the pain!

Sunday 27 October 2019

Divine Dark Chocolate with Smooth Hazelnut Bar

I got this Divine Dark Chocolate with Smooth Hazelnut Bar from a discount shop, and finally got around to try it.  I was never a Divine fan, and this bar didn't help either.  It was not Divine, not delicious, not dark...  Some might say it is chocolate, smooth and hazelnut...

Saturday 26 October 2019

Diagnosis At Last

Flint's front end is still clicking.  I called up the garage and they had another look.  This time they think it is the front wheel bearings and they will actually it out of warranty.  Let's hope this is the bottom of it.

Friday 25 October 2019

Chinese Beef Jerky

Once upon a time, my sister said how she made Chinese beef jerky at home.  I came across some good quality mince, so I decided to give it a go.  They turned out okay, but I think I should have added honey to the mix and made them thinner. 

Anyway, I am not sure I am bothered enough to make them again...

Thursday 24 October 2019

Tomato Splints

The tomato is still fruiting, but it has not been happy.  Then I realise the weight has bent the vine.  I put a splint on Sarah's tomato earlier in the season.  I had to put multiple splints on mine now, let's hope for the best.  Less for next year's tomato, always give the vine a lot of support, aka splints.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Oily Plants

There were black spots near my plants.  At first I thought they were mould from the vapour.  Then it becomes apparent those were oil from the rosemary!  I immediately transplanted it outside.  Let see if it survives...  Meanwhile, I had to scrub to floor.  Which idiots sell them as house plant!?

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Sticky Throttle

I had to call out AA for a car with starting problem.  Then it turns out to be a sticky throttle.  That's what happen with old cars...  I suppose sticky throttle is okay when it stuck shut, and scary when it stuck open...

Monday 21 October 2019

Gardening After Dark

I already racked up all the leaves last week, then I got more leaves over the weekend.  As I was pulling out the brown bin, although it was already late and dark outside, I racked up more leaves.  I am not sure my neighbours would like the rack over flagstone scratching noises very much...

Sunday 20 October 2019

Nectar Hiccup II

There were points mysterious debited from my account.  Nectar's new portal has so many bugs, it is going to cost them a lot of goodwill points by the end of this migration...

Saturday 19 October 2019


In name of supporting the women in Hollywood, we went to see Ocean 8 and more recently Hustlers.

Who needs men really.

Friday 18 October 2019

Brexit Stash III

I cannot believe I am running down my Brexit stash!  I need to do some shopping next week to build up the stash to brace for impact.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Slow Hoax Speed

I don't like forwarded messages, and this exactly proves my point. 

My sister just sent a message about mahameru flower, and I googled it.  It was originated a few years ago, it only just got to my sister, hoax speed is surprisingly slow. 

Why people never verify before forwarding?!

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Rainbows in Hong Kong

It all started when I said Sarah should put rain drops in front of her craft rainbows.  Then I got on to saying I rarely saw rainbows in Hong Kong.  Then Rachel thought I was joking.  Lastly, I surveyed my friends, and they all concurred with me.

Rachel found a page from Hong Kong observatory that explained what rainbow is with two old pictures, one in 2003, one in 1993.  When you search for rainbow in Hong Kong, you come across LGBT related pages before you get to the news articles on rainbows!  Rainbow is so rare that it makes the news. 

Maybe it is the angle of the Sun, maybe it is the high rise buildings, maybe we don't look at the sky enough.  The end result is the same, we don't really see rainbows in Hong Kong. 

The easiest place to see a rainbow is when the sprinklers are on over a sport field...

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Nectar Hiccup

I was wandering in town and when I walked past Sainsbury, they had a Nectar guy showing customers new Nectar portal.

So I thought I would get a voucher, but the system did not process my request correctly.  I walked back to Sainsbury, the Nectar guy was already gone!

After ringing them 3 times, they decided to give me the points back.  I hope nectar will get sorted soon.

Monday 14 October 2019

Home Rearrangement

Prompted by Sarah, we made a few changes to my home arrangement.  Whatever makes her happy...

She calls it "live-in", I call it "clutter"...

Sunday 13 October 2019

Nutella Arancini

I went to Poco wanting lunch, then decided everything was a bit oily.  We went to somewhere else for lunch and came back to Poco for dessert, nutella arancini.  It was quite weird...

Saturday 12 October 2019

Flu Jab is too Late

We have been meaning to get a flu jab.  Before the pharmacists for them in stock, we all got our first cold of the winter...

Friday 11 October 2019

Light Night Parade

I have been wanting to see the Light Night parade, so I finally made an effort.  I managed to got the best seat in the house, ie Window seat at Nero on Headrow.  There were only 5 or 6 acts in the parade, which was a little disappointing.  Extinction Rebellion made a an appearance, staging a silent demonstration and leafleting.  They should be leafleting the children with the plastic tat.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Where has Three People's Principles gone? 三民主義可在?

On the anniversary of Xinhai Revolution,  108 year has past,  everyone has forgotten the Three People's Principles.   KMT is ready to sell out to the ruthless CCP.  Dr Sun must be turning in his grave...

辛亥革命108年週年,仲有無人記得三民主義? 連國民黨都親無民主義既中共。 孫中山死不冥目呀!

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Misadvertised Talks

I started going to some university open lectures.  I found their description very misleading, they probably jazzed it up to get more audience. Maybe if they put down what they were going to talk about, nobody would turn up.  I felt cheated! I should have just listened to a talk online at home!

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Monday 7 October 2019

Crab Stick - Kamaboko

I never understood why my sister liked crab stick.  I always thought it was weird that crab stick packaging had Japanese writing.  I only just learnt Kamaboko is actually from Japan.  I always liked Chikuwa, but I still don't like crab stick.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Bins Upgrade

I finally got a new bin in January after I cracked my old one plastic swing.  It was a plastic paddle bin.   I liked it a lot until the mechanism failed!  I took it back to the shop to get a refund.  With the recent discount, probably for the student population, a metal bin became the same price of my plastic bin, so far I am quite happy with the new paddle bin, I will probably try to keep the receipt for a year, just in case.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Top Box Capacity

Flint's top box is big, but apparently not big enough.  I was told to pick up some materials, but the urinal was unexpected.  I actually took the urinal to measure against the box and concluded it would not fit!  At the end, I had to swap the bike with a car to pick the stuff up, how annoying.

Friday 4 October 2019

Thursday 3 October 2019

See Bike Say Bike

So research shows, the drivers could see motorcycles, but they cannot remember seeing motorcycles.  The new "See Bike, Say Bike" campaign aims to enhance this short term memory deficit, let's hope it works.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Future Lost Skills

Dom just gave me some cash, and as a reflex, I counted them, not that I didn't trust him or anything.

Then I realise, this is the skill that children will lose, counting money!  How they miss out the joy of cash!

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Runaway Stories - 70 Years On

Remember the exodus from Shanghai and Nanjing to Taiwan and Hong Kong.  Remember my father and my cousin swam away (literally) from Canton to Hong Kong.  The last generations ran away from the shit, so we can build something better, we cannot take a step back into the shit and stand our grounds. #FreeHongKong #929GlobalAntiTotalitarianism

Monday 30 September 2019

Free Hong Kong Merchandise

I was just searching for something to meet how I am feeling.  Surprising a lot of them are from Australia and USA.  There is a few in the UK.  I still cannot find what express how I am feeling, shame.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Beware of Free Chocolate

I was in York Food Fest and as by reflex, I picked up a piece of dark looking chocolate.  Then I asked what they were, he explained it is chilli and star anise, disgusting I thought, but I already picked up the chocolate, so I cannot put it back down.  I braved it, and I was right, disgusting.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Insufficiently Chunky Boots

I bought this pair of boots with chunky soles hoping to help me on Flint, as it turns out, it still wasn't thick enough!  I supposed this is as good as it gets, I just need to manage Flint.

Friday 27 September 2019

Fuel Tank Condensate

The bike wasn't happy after only 2 weeks idle.  I could only think of one reason - fuel tank condensate.  The tank usually has a breather, so the tank is actually ambient air.  With the air so humid, and cold evenings, I suspect there was condensate resulting in damper fuel.  I fueled it to the top, I wonder if it helps...

Thursday 26 September 2019

Loose Bearings

So the head bearing has been bothering me, and the garage seemed to think it is just incorrectly adjusted, so let wait and see...

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Unsolicited Advices

Some say,  the easiest way to get unsolicited advice is to get pregnant.   I always get unsolicited advices and I was never pregnant.   Seriously,  unless you are an expect in the subject matter,  or were asked to advise,  otherwise,  please keep your uneducated opinions to yourselves.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

History is Sexy Podcast

I started listening to You're Dead to Me on BBC, then added History is Sexy as one of the guest on You Are Dead to Me is Dr Emma Southon.

Let me do a sandwiched review...

It is good to hear women podcasts, especially women talking about history.  There is a lot of giggles, which sometimes is good thing.  But I am a bit impatient, so I have been listening at 1.25x.

When they are talking about periods they are not familiar with, they make a lot of mistakes, some are so blatant that I screamed at the phone, and tempted to open a twitter account just to tell them.

They put in effort in looking materials up on different audience questions, most other programme would just use a historian in the subject matter as an walking reference book.  They are in a journey with the audience to learn more about history.  Especially with the frequency of the programme, it will be a lot of work.

Good hustle.

Monday 23 September 2019

Mowgli Leicester

Nisha has been in many BBC shows and her restaurant Mowgli came into my radar.  Finally the opportunity came, the new Leicester branch open, and we caught the last day of introductory offer.  To make sure we get in, we even queued outside the door before opening time!

Food was acceptable, the others waved about the lassi.  I am not sure I would want to pay full price.

We will have to see how long Leicester Mowgli will last...

Sunday 22 September 2019

Alpaca in Warwickshire

I finally did the walking with alpaca thing.   Alpaca is a funny thing,  the boys are the calm ones (except the stud).   Then out of curiousity,  I learnt their Chinese name,  and Sarah thought Chinese has a lack of vocabulary,  as alcapa and llama both called sheep camel and big sheep camel,  not the most accurate nor inventive,  the same way we called most shelled reptile turtles...

Saturday 21 September 2019

Tuxford Granary

We were near Tuxford Mill, so we stopped for a cup of tea.  Whilst we were there, I insisted in getting a bag of granary flour, which they called 4 grains. 

The bread comes out quite nice, and quite different to the Hovis mix, this is coarser and has a "country taste".  We will definitely try other mill's granary blends.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Kosovo 20 Years On

BBC has recent coverage in Kosovo and the impact of the war 20 years ago.

In short, Serbian (bigger neighbour), employing a mix of intimidation and political maneuvering, drastically reduced Kosovo's special autonomous status within Serbia and started cultural oppression of the ethnic Albanian population.

This is very upsetting to witness history repeating itself.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Emergency Chocolate

I had a sudden chocolate craving at work.  I could have get whatever they have at the shop, but I did not give in, but I realise I need to have an emergency stash!

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Sunscreen Song

The Sunscreen Song was on The Documentary.  I wondered why I didn't know about it in 1999, anyway.  Then I realised it is on the Documentary because it is 20 years since 1999, and there was a reference to it in the song.  Good advises.

Monday 16 September 2019

Cheese Scones

In an attempt to use up some cheese, my normal port of call is making cheese scone.  It often asked for some type of spice, and I usually just use pepper, but this time I got some cayenne pepper.  These ones got some warmth to them, very nice.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Insoles Solve All Problems

If in doubt, add insole.  Too much vibration?  Add insole.  Too loose?  Add insole.  Not fitting properly?  Add insole.  Feeling short?  Add insole.

Saturday 14 September 2019

Harris & James H&J Dark Chocolate Peru 77%

We got this from Suffolk.  The texture is interesting,  the taste is complex,  maybe it is the wonder of Chuncho beans.   We can tell it is handmade.   I am looking forward to the other bars. 

Friday 13 September 2019

Voice Works

Voiceworks put up a seminar,  and I was nosy enough to sit thorough it.  It was all very interesting.   I also learnt more about myself that I am so introvert that I don't really like speaking,  even to a machine!

Thursday 12 September 2019

Coupon Management II

I just threw away a hand full of out of date coupons.   This coupon management issue seems to happen more often than not in Summer.   The sun is so distacting!

Wednesday 11 September 2019

T-Cut Polish Wax

I never did look after Little Rome cosmetically.  I would make an attempt with Flint.  I only just leant about different products and different uses.  That reminded me why I didn't bother with Little Rome after just waxing her once...

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Polish Food

Richard took us to this Polish restaurant.  I ordered stuff that were "safe" but was still slightly disappointed.  The pierogi were too meaty (yes, too meaty), and oily.  The soup had unexpected Polish sausages.

Monday 9 September 2019

Heilemann Espresso Edelbitter

Heilemann does not disappoint.  On the other hand, "Edelbitter" is very misleading.  At this instance, I will let it slides, as the chocolate needed to make room for the coffee flavour.

Sunday 8 September 2019


I had a pair of motorcycle boots that I glued together, then my "new" motorcycle boots are falling apart, and I think I would actually take them to a cobbler.  Why are they so flimsy?!

Saturday 7 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 8

Knowing the weather was changeable, I put many of my wind and rain proof layers back on.  On the way back, M5 was still being a pain.  After making past the chaos, I stopped at the same place for a coffee, and I treated myself to a chocolate scone.

Friday 6 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 7

On the last day of West Cornwall, we thought to actually exploring the area.  We started at Mousehole.  It is nice, but St Mawes was much better.

I set Sarah walking back along the coast, and I met her in Newlyn and Penzance on the bike.

I got a pack of Newlyn crab from the W Harvey & Sons factory and Sarah got a souvenir scallop shell. 

We made a giant crab sandwich at the beach. Only half a pack would fit on the bun!

We finally got back to Penzance, we explored around town.  We saw Rowes Bakery, but I stopped myself from having another pasty!  We went to The Honey Pot for a scone.  By now, Sarah was full of clotted cream and we opted for cheese scones.

I had the joy of picking up the luggage and rode all the way to Exeter and caught Sarah in town.  We initially wanted to go to Hubbox, but since they give us some ridiculous wait time, we looked around, and found a little independent Portguese Restaurant, The Cork and Tile, and we were very happy with our find.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 6

Today was meant to be an easy day with only 2 scheduled stops, but it turned out to be exhausting!

We went to St Michael's Mount, but instead of parking at St Aubyn's car park, which were already full, we parked at council's car park incurring extra walking.

The beach was empty, but the causeway was full!

After the long walk up and down the beach and the island, I had a Philp's pasty.  It has a lot more meat and other, the crimp is slightly off the side and the seasoning was quite distinctive.

We started driving to Lizard, but I was distracted by the large Porthleven Harbour Market sign, knowing we were ahead of (scone) schedule,  I made a detour and an unscheduled stop.

We finally parked and Lizard and walked to Lizard point with extra detour to keep to schedule.  We got to Polpeor Cafe, the Britian Most Southerly Cafe at good time.  The scones were very rustic, elementary, but the jam was very disappointing.

We started walking along the coastal path.  Sarah was going to walk to Kynance Cove, but she also abandoned the plan after I was caught in the wrong path.  We stopped at Kynance Cove just to have a look.

I was exhausted by the end!

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 5

We were on the move again, further West to Penzance.  Sarah took the train and stayed mostly dry, and by the time I got to the hostel to drop off the luggage, I was a drown rat.

It was only 7 miles from Penzance to St Ives, but it felt so much further.  As soon as we parked up, we looked for place to hide from the rain.  The queue at the Tate's cafe was too long, so we went to Cornish Bakery for a coffee, followed by Cornish Deli for lunch.

Luckily by then, it was all cleared up and we explored both beaches and headland before we went to Land's End on the coastal road.

We did the obligatory walk around and took the picture in Land's End before going back to Penzance.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 4

Inspired by the Kingswear Ferry in the GLME ride, I crowbarred in St Mawes as a reason to ride on the King Harry Ferry.  St Mawes Castle and village of St Mawes were surprisingly nice, we even got a bonus local crab sandwich as elevenses.

On the other hand, the King Harry Ferry was a little disappointing and came with an unwanted hairpin bend.  In hind sight, Sarah could have taken a ferry directly to Falmouth.

Falmouth was also quite full, so we just parked and marched to Picnic for another top rated crab sandwich.  Unlike most crab sandwiches, this is all mixed in, not layered.  It was quite nice.

Pendennnis Castle was larger than expected.  We were hoping to find food in Charlestown, but nothing tickled our fancy.  By the time we came back to St Austell, we could not be bothered to buy dinner, we went out to a Cantonese Restaurant.  The waitress told us about Charlestown being used in TV and movies.  I managed to got another signature for the Petition for the Ex-British Colonial Hong Kongers.  If you haven't signed, please so, and send around.

Monday 2 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 3

We left Devon and went into Cornwall.  I stopped at Eden Project for a quick coffee before picking Sarah up.

We went straight to Tintagel.  I was shocked by how busy it was, I nearly cannot get parked!  We just managed to squeeze into a parking space and got changed.

After some debating, we chose to eat at Pengenna.  We were sceptical about any eatery in Tintagel, but the food turned out to be very good.  Sarah's "small" salad was very substantial and my pasty was fresh, giant and traditional bar the top crimping!

Fuelled by the hearty lunch, we spent the afternoon in Tintagel castle ground.  By the time we were done, the car parks and the town was nearly empty!

Sunday 1 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 2

Our grand tour officially starts with a little South Devon tour.  I avoided A38 by going across tiny roads on Dartmoor.  It was hard work.  By the time we got to Buckfast, it was lunch time.  Buckfast has been rebuilt in the 19th century.  I could not make up my mind about what to eat, so I went for a pasty.  It was meant to be a chicken pasty, but it turned out to be a beef pasty.  It has more beef than the two Cornish pasties I had.  They do still sell Buckfast tonic wine here.

Dartmouth Castle was nice.  Sarah went on a bonus walk to see Sugary Cove.

Then we went deep into the South Devon AONB to Avon Mill for a top rated afternoon tea,  Sarah has given it a thumbs up.

On the way back, we stopped at Totnes Castle for another Motte and Bailey castle!

Saturday 31 August 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 1

It was the check out date from the camp.  Most people were leaving, but I was going to be in Exeter for another two days.  Before Sarah go down to Devon, I went to Newquay Pride.

On the way to Newquay, I took a small detour to see the Tamar Bridge.  Once you have seen the Humber Bridge, you think most bridges are small...  The old one got Brunel's name on it.

I met up with someone from AVEN for the pride.  It all went well, I rescued an abandoned asexuality flag, caught up with people from MyUmbrella, got a nice GWR goody bag, and a Warren's bakery coupon.

Not sure I would see another Warren's, I got one anyway.

I went to Fern Pit for a crab sandwich.  It was all very nice, the view, the sandwich until the last bite!  There was a bit of shell!

Sarah and I shared the pasty.  It is also traditionally minimal meat and traditionally crimped, but not so traditional that the potato was sliced not diced!