Saturday 9 April 2016

USA Grand Tour 2016 - Day 0

We have been planning this trip since January.  I have decided to drive to Manchester Airport and booked some airport parking.  We arrived in good time and Jet Park worked as it should except the carpark was very full!

We checked in, had a coffee and went through the security.  Much to my surprise, the body scanner was not in use.  Just about everyone got stopped for their bags.  I had two cameras, and some charging equipment.  Sarah was stopped twice.

I confirmed with Houston that he still likes gin, so I got him a bottle of Chase gin from duty free with union jacks and a pretty box.  I personally do not like potato vodka/spirits, but other brands gin is widely available in the USA, so Chase was a good choice.  I took the opportunity to break up the 50 pounds note.

We boarded the plane and it was so tiny.  I could not believe a tran-Atlantic flight would be using such small plane.

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