Wednesday 13 April 2016

USA Grand Tour 2016 - Day 4 DC

On our final day in DC, we finally went to the Zoo.  Much to Sarah's dismay, we walked to the zoo in the rain.

We got to the zoo relatively early and managed to leave just before all the children decent into the zoo.  There were loads of FONZ trying to engage us.  We the animals were quite lazy and did not get to see the baby panda.  We saw the naked mole the first time.

We went home using the circulator.  Stopped for yet more Salvadorian food at Gloria's Restaurant in Columbia Heights.  They spoke very little English and were not keen on selling us 'appetisers' during lunch service.  After some struggle, we managed to order what we wanted.

We then trekked down to Union Station, hiked up the Capitol Hill.  Sarah had a walk around while I was watching the luggage.

We got back to Union Station to catch our Amtrak train to Chicago.  When we got to the gate, we were told we were eligible to use the lounge, and we should take advantage of it whilst we are in Chicago.

Houston told us about the perks the services and the meals.  We got to our tiny Roomette, checked out the features, checked out the viewing car and went to dinner.  I got the opportunity to try a flat iron steak, it is better than I expected.  We knew the meals were included but forgot the tips weren't, we tipped after the fellow customer tipped.

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