Saturday 16 April 2016

USA Grand Tour 2016 - Day 7 Chicago

On our last day in Chicago, we utilised the CTA pass to the max.  We went to the Union Station to drop off our luggage, picked up some coffee and headed back to Lincoln Park.

We went to the only thing that is free in Chicago, Lincoln Park Zoo.  Sarah was more impressed with this zoo than the DC zoo.  Then we went back into town to try Frontera Fiesta as recommended by Houston.  Sarah had a tortas.

We also stopped at the Money Museum.  Sarah was not keen on the Money Museum at first, until she read we were getting a bag of shredded money, she was more interested.  The Museum is part of the Federal Reserve, we had to go through metal detector and bag x-rayed before getting into the museum.  The museum turned out better than Sarah expected.

We walked back to the station for a quick break before going to meet the AVENites.  We saw a yarn shop, Yarnify! in the magazine, which was near the station, so we popped to the shop before the meet.

I was determined to try the Chicago deep pan pizza, and this was the last chance.  We sat down the with AVENites and I had the deep pan.  We looked at the pictures and it looked very cheesy and very pie-like.  We worried it maybe sickeningly rich.  We went to Beggars and they sell by the slice, so it was a good place to try.  I wanted the biggest slice, but the fellow AVENite got it, so I chose the second largest one, and I made sure the pizza girl knew what I thought.  Then the next fellow AVENite surprisingly got two slightly smaller slice for a price of one!  The deep pan was nice, Sarah also agrees.  Sarah even suggests we should replicate it at home.

We caught on a late train and go to Cleveland.  Since it was a late train, and an early arrival, we did not get any dinner or breakfast!  Our roomette this journey had a toilet and basin, we didn't get out of the room at all this leg.

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