Wednesday 20 April 2016

USA Grand Tour 2016 - Day 11 Cleveland

On our last day in Cleveland, we took it easy.  We went to the local high street, had a coffee and walked back.  Sarah and Leslie did some knitting and I did some laundry.

Before we go to the airport, we stopped at the a large candy warehouse.  It was quite big, and it has got one of my favourite Japanese candy, and Hershey's Deluxe Kisses.  Since I have not seen Deluxe Kisses anywhere, so I bought some.  I had tried to encourage Sarah to do shopping while we were in Cleveland as sale tax is cheaper in Ohio, but to no avail.

We got to the airport at good time.  The airport is under refurbishment, in preparation of the Republican Convention.  The security line moves was slowly, we only had time to get in and had a bagel. 

We were flying Southwest.  It was Sarah's first Southwest experience.  Southwest is very efficient.  It took less than 30 minutes from boarding to the door close.  The plane ascent quickly to cruising altitude.  The drink service was also very quick and efficient.  Unsurprisingly, we arrived early into Nashville.  Nashville was much hotter than Cleveland!

We got the hire car without a hitch.  They decided to gave us a very new car with all mod con.  We were so spoilt.  We drive to check the hostel, dropped off the luggage and drove to Sonic for Sarah's first Drive-in experience.  We had some junk food and waited till 8pm for the discounted milkshake.  Just before we ran out of energy, we stopped at Love hill for a Nashville night skyline.  Last but not least, we stopped at Piggly Wiggly, which was formerly Comptons.

Music City Hostel allocated us a 5 person room.  We worry about the room would be too warm, luckily the room has air conditioning.

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