Friday 15 April 2016

USA Grand Tour 2016 - Day 6 Chicago

We were very happy the hostel provide breakfast.  I made some waffles, and Sarah was happy with the fresh porridge.

After much deliberation, we opted to visit the Museum of Science and Industry.  We got our discounted entry ticket with CTA one-use Day pass from the hostel.

The L train was very fast, and we got to south Chicago very quickly.  The MSI is very big, it has a passenger jet plane and a German U-boat! Sarah was like a stuck record saying, "is this real?" The exhibits are very interesting and very interactive.  We spent many hours main hall exhibits alone; there were many other special exhibitions requiring additional fee.

By the time we got into town, Frontera Fiesta was already closed.  We had a coffee and donut from Dunkin and went to the bean.
Chicago Cloud Gate

I had been meaning to ask Sarah to try mac and cheese.  We stopped at a supermarket and went back to the hostel for some mac and cheese.  We threw in some broccoli for the sake of meal balance.

I insisted on visiting the Second City, so we went to the 'old town' after dinner.  We could not afford any of the main shows, and we could not stay up for the late night improv, so we just went home.  One our way to the old town, we saw the Chicago History Museum building.  We originally was wanting to go, since we liked Museum of London as this museum is of similar nature, but after seeing the relatively small building, we decided not to go.

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