Monday 19 November 2018

Fifth Day of Wandering

After so many days of extreme exhaustion, I slept a lot.  I slept so much that I was late for a late gathering!  I was so dizzy that I made a mistake on the metro and caused extra delay!

The baby is in good health, but the new mom is really stressed!  I made my delivery, and I hope my extra treats would cheer her up.

When Karen bailed, I bailed too.  I went to see General Che.  I made a quick visit, a quick wish, then headed into town.

I swing pass a waste centre and threw away the old suitcase.  The staff was very enthusiastic to take it away from me.  I bought a few food stuff to tick off the to-eat list.

When I got home, my mom was asking me IT questions, which makes me suicidal!

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