Wednesday 14 November 2018


We did as much laundry as we could and ate up as much food from the fridge as we could, we hopped on a taxi and went our separate ways.

I got to the airport with plenty of time to spare.  I rested, went pass security and rested some more. I saw the botb booth, and looked it up. It is some strange raffle mixed in football game.  Just as I got to the gate, the furthest gate at the terminal, I heard my name on the tannoy, which is never a good thing.
As it turned out, the Swiss can be late, they send me onto Air France instead

I had to go back to the airline check in desk, drag my luggage from one end of the airport to another end of the airport, check in with Air France and go thorough security again.

This time, a loads of people getting stopped in my queue at the security, including me.  And apparently instant coffee looks like liquid in the x-ray machine.

The Air France pilot was in a real hurry, he started pushing back before everyone was seated. They did give us a snack, but went I saw the tomato bap, I wanted to cry... It only took 1 hour gate to gate, and the taxiing in Paris was really fast!

After some delay, the plane to Hong Kong was finally ready and off I went.

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