Tuesday 20 November 2018

Sixth Day of Wandering

I got up early again, I went to some of my old haunts.  One of them is a breakfast place, the other is proper grafting market trader.  So I had the best rice noodles and the best tofu all by 7am in the morning.

Some rich family friends came visit.  I insisted in going to a decent place for Cantonese food, and my mother suggested I should just go to some mid-price locations.  I refused to settle for less, I settle with substandard Chinese food year round, and every other year, I would like to have something decent!  I was stuffed by the end of it.

I finally did some shopping, I got a pair of new shoe, a few bit of odds and sorts.  I got a replacement remote for the air conditioning unit.  It has been a productive day.

I headed out for dinner with Hedy.  I managed to tick off a few more on the to-eat list.  I might have made a mistake of going to her flat, because her mom also started ranting about the new mother's stubbornness.  I came home stuffed with Taiwanese goodies from their Taiwan trip!

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