Wednesday 21 November 2018

Seventh Day of Wandering

When I have time, I usually skip the metro and opt for buses and ferries, that's exactly what I did today.  I caught up with Mavis and we had a little discussion about LGBTQA in Hong Kong.

After lunch, I got more banking done.  I think I am nearly done with this chores!  On my ways back, stopped briefly at Tsimshatsui for a bubble tea from Ten Ren, while I was waiting for the tea, I saw iron budhha ice-cream, so I topped up my order.  Everything is made with real tea, so tasty.

We went out for dinner, and I was the head of the table this time.  I both ordered food and paid the bill.  We have a little discussion about the Chinese attitude and attitude to history.  I was glad when the discussion was over, it was hard work!

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