Monday 26 November 2018

Twelfth Day of Wandering

The food on Swiss was so much better, and the snack selection was also good.  The movie selection was also quite good.  I wasn't particularly like their seats on the long haul flight, but I did manage to get over 5 hours sleep.

I got into Zurich by 7:30am, the town was still asleep, so I decided to just jump on random trams to ride around town.  Natasha wasn't free to meet me but I did get a few pointers from her.  Everything is so expensive in Zurich!  I wasn't impressed with their Christmas markets, apparently Christmas markets are recent German influence.

I got a big bag of Haribo Cola bottles and I am very happy.  On Natasha's advise, I got a couple blocks of cheeses.

It was a foggy day, so I passed up on going to Uetliberg.

My legs were extremely by the time I got back to the airport.  I definitely got my step counts today!

The shorter flight was on a new Bombardier plane, the seats were good, the snack was good!

When I got back to Birmingham, everything went very smoothly.  I managed to jam myself into an earlier train.  Home at last!

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